
This handler will be active inside the top level of the stateMachine definition.


Corneil du Plessis


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constructor(fsm: StateMachineBuilder<S, E, C, A, R>)


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Returns the completed fsm.

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Defines a section for default behaviour for the state machine.

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fun initialState(deriveInitialState: StateQuery<C, S>): DslStateMachineHandler<S, E, C, A, R>

Defines an expression that will determine the initial state of the state machine based on the values of the context.

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fun initialStates(deriveInitialMap: StateMapQuery<C, S>): DslStateMachineHandler<S, E, C, A, R>

Provides for a list of pairs with state and map name that will be pushed and the last entry will be popped and become the current map. This is required when using state machine with named maps.

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fun invariant(message: String, condition: Condition<C>): DslStateMachineHandler<S, E, C, A, R>
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Defines an action that will be invoked after a transition to a new state. Any exceptions thrown by the action will be ignored.

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fun stateMap(name: String, validStates: Set<S>, handler: DslStateMapHandler<S, E, C, A, R>.() -> Unit): DslStateMapHandler<S, E, C, A, R>

creates a named statemap

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fun whenState(currentState: S, handler: DslStateMapEventHandler<S, E, C, A, R>.() -> Unit): DslStateMapEventHandler<S, E, C, A, R>

Defines a section for a specific state.