
class StateMachineDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>(val defaultInitialState: S?, deriveInitialState: StateQuery<C, S>?, deriveInitialMap: StateMapQuery<C, S>?, val defaultStateMap: StateMapDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>, val namedStateMaps: Map<String, StateMapDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>>)

This class represents an immutable definition of a state machine.


Corneil du Plessis


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constructor(defaultInitialState: S?, deriveInitialState: StateQuery<C, S>?, deriveInitialMap: StateMapQuery<C, S>?, defaultStateMap: StateMapDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>, namedStateMaps: Map<String, StateMapDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>>)


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The top level state map will be created when the state machine is created.

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The named state maps can be accessed via a push transition.


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fun create(context: C, initial: S? = null): StateMachineInstance<S, E, C, A, R>

This function will create a state machine instance and set it to the initial state.

fun create(context: C, initialExternalState: ExternalState<S>): StateMachineInstance<S, E, C, A, R>

This function will create a state machine instance and set it to the state to a previously externalised state.

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fun possibleEvents(state: S, includeDefault: Boolean): Set<E>

This function will provide a list of possible events given a specific state. The actual events may fail because of guard conditions or named state maps and the default state map behaviour being different.