
class AsyncStateMachineInstance<S, E, C, A, R>(context: C, val definition: AsyncStateMachineDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>, val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, initialState: S? = null, initialExternalState: ExternalState<S>? = null)


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constructor(context: C, definition: AsyncStateMachineDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>, initialExternalState: ExternalState<S>, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope)

Create a state machine using a specific definition and a previous externalised state.

constructor(context: C, definition: AsyncStateMachineDefinition<S, E, C, A, R>, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, initialState: S? = null, initialExternalState: ExternalState<S>? = null)


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val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope

The initialState will be assigned to the currentState

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The Immutable definition of the state machine.


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fun allowed(includeDefault: Boolean = false): Set<E>

This function will provide the set of allowed events given a specific state. It isn't a guarantee that a subsequent transition will be successful since a guard may prevent a transition. Default state handlers are not considered.

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fun eventAllowed(event: E, includeDefault: Boolean): Boolean

This function will return an indicator if the given event is allowed given the current state.

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This function will provide the external state that can be use when creating the instance at a later time.

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suspend fun sendEvent(event: E, arg: A? = null): R?

This function will process the on and advance the state machine according to the FSM definition.